Horizon Europe is the European Commission framework programme for research and innovation, succeeding Horizon 2020. The programme will be running from 2021 to 2027 and will have a budget of about 100 B€.
Horizon Europe will focus on:
- Key areas for research and innovation support and their targeted impact
- European partnerships
- Research and innovation missions
- Areas of international cooperation
Structure of Horizon Europe

Participation of CERN in Horizon Europe
Based on the participation of CERN in the previous framework programmes, it is expected that Pillar I (Excellent Science) will be most interesting to CERN researchers, as well as the Health programme in Pillar II and the European Innovation Council in Pillar III.
CERN was also involved in the EURATOM programme in Horizon2020 and it is expected that this will also be the case for Horizon Europe.
Main changes between Horizon Europe (FP9) and Horizon 2020 (FP8)
You will find here a presentation with a comparative overview of both programmes, the main legal changes, the main financial changes, and the main changes in the MSCA.
You will find here a guideline for Associated Partners in Horizon Europe.