DAFAB: AI Factory for Copernicus Data at ScaleDespite the success of Copernicus data, the European Earth Observation (EO) data market is only one-third of the size of the North American market. However, the market is expected to double over the next decade. Various sectors, such as insurance, food safety, environmental monitoring, and precision agriculture, are anticipated to capture most of the growth. In this context, DaFab has identified three primary challenges that must be addressed to leverage the full potential of Copernicus' information. Firstly, the timely analysis of EO data is critical for decision-makers to make informed decisions. To address this challenge, DaFab invests in novel hardware techniques dedicated to AI and federated computing techniques, which are capable of handling large high-resolution datasets and can enable real-time applications. Secondly, the massive amounts of Copernicus data make it challenging to identify the most relevant datasets for specific purposes, and the siloed nature of EO data further compounds this problem. To address this challenge, DaFab invests in semantic web techniques and public metadata catalogs to enable searching Copernicus images by features and relationships. Finally, the sustainability of analysis by-products is critical for efficient data management. To address this challenge, DaFab invests in cloud-computing techniques and public metadata catalogs, providing a unified solution for searching both raw Copernicus and by-products by features and relationships. By addressing these challenges, DaFab aims to unlock the full potential of Copernicus data and drive growth in the European EO data market. |
Coordinator: DATADIRECT NETWORKS FRANCE Scientist in Charge from CERN: Martin Barisits EU funding: € 2 953 795,00 EU funding for CERN: € 355 750.00 Date: 01/02/2024 - 31/01/2027 |
Edge SpAIce: Unleashing AI potential to foster space accessibility and novel Earth Observation services creation.Satellites have become one of most prominent technologies for Earth Observation, potentially becoming the next significant trend in world economics. Due to technological advancements and reduction in costs, the volume of captured data has drastically increased. To achieve a more efficient data management, Deep Neural Network (DNN) deployment "at the edge" has been investigated to enable autonomous and reliable data payload and latency reduction. Deployment of accurate DNNs typically requires high computational power. In this project, Edge SpAIce will develop an efficient approach to deploy complex DNNs on satellite hardware. Edge SpAIce will target a demonstration of Edge-AI for marine plastic litter monitoring from orbit, paving the way towards next generation EO and moving European leadership in the space market. |
Coordinator: AGENIUM SPACE Scientist in Charge from CERN: Maurizio PIERINI EU funding: € 2 453 522,10 EU funding for CERN: € 635 107,50 Date: 01/12/2023 - 30/11/2026 |
HEARTS: High-Energy Accelerators for Radiation Testing and ShieldingEnhancing Europe’s competitiveness in space exploration and applications calls for more than the development of devices and systems. Testing these to gauge their performance in space is a challenging yet critical factor for success. The EU-funded HEARTS project plans to support the space community in this task, by providing access to its high-energy heavy-ion accelerator that can mimic the effects of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). GCRs are composed of very-high-energy particles travelling at nearly the speed of light. They originate outside the solar system and are a dominant source of radiation that current and future spacecraft must withstand. The HEARTS team plans to help space scientists ensure their high-tech electronics can, in fact, do just that. |
Coordinator: CERN Scientist in Charge from CERN: Ruben GARCIA ALIA EU funding: € 2 999 965,00 EU funding for CERN: € 1 266 750,00 Date: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026 |
OpenWebSearch.EU: Piloting a Cooperative Open Web Search Infrastructure to Support Europe's Digital SovereigntyThe OpenWebSearch.EU project aims at developing an open European infrastructure for web search. The initiative will be contributing to Europe’s digital sovereignty as well as promoting an open human-centred search engine market. OpenWebSearch.EU proposes to develop and pilot the core of a European Open Web Index and the foundation for an European open Web Search and Analysis Infrastructure. |
Coordinator: UNIVERSITAT PASSAU Scientist in Charge from CERN: Andreas WAGNER EU funding: € 8 502 621,75 EU funding for CERN: € 839 025,00 Date: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025 |
SYCLOPS: Scaling extreme analYtics with Cross-architecture acceLeration based on OPen StandardsSYCLOPS is a project with partners in academia and industry whose goal is to demonstrate ground-breaking advances in performance and scalability of extreme data analytics using a standards-based, fully open, acceleration approach, thus enabling a healthy, competitive, innovation-driven ecosystem for Europe and beyond. This vision leverages the convergence of two important trends in industry: first, the standardization and adoption of RISC-V, a free, open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), for AI and analytics acceleration; second, the emergence and growth of SYCL as a cross-vendor, cross-architecture, single-source data parallel programming model for all types of accelerators, including RISC-V |
Coordinator: EURECOM GIE Scientist in Charge from CERN: Axel NAUMANN EU funding: € 4 090 673,50 EU funding for CERN: € 728 375.00 Date: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025 |