Unfolding the scientific potential of detectors

Earlier this year, the AIDAinnova project released its introduction video

23 June, 2022


Video clip presenting the AIDAinnova project to collaborate on common detector projects in line with the European Strategy update. The video presents the project’s background and goals. The main focus was put on the main challenges behind detectors technologies and demonstrate the passion of scientists and engineers working on the project. (Video: CERN)

From medical imaging to weather forecasting, from airport security to art restoration, detectors in unexpected places are improving our daily lives.

Started in 2021, the CERN-coordinated AIDAinnova project aims to provide state-of-the-art upgrades to research infrastructures, such as test beams, in order to unfold the scientific potential of detector technologies. The project involves three RTOs (Research and Technology Organisations) and 34 academic institutions in 15 countries, in co-innovation for common detector projects, strengthening the competence and competitiveness of the industrial partners in other markets.

This includes exploration applications of novel technologies, increase of the efficiency and quality of the beam test and irradiation facilities, thus rendering European Industry ready for large series production of HEP detectors.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101004761.