If the proposal has been proposed for funding, the coordinator will receive the Evaluation Summary Report and will be invited to prepare the Grant Agreement. Please see below the steps to follow (the information provided below is a summary of the H2020 Online Manual on Grant Agreement Preparation):
As a Participant Contact of each beneficiary (including the coordinator):
1. You should go to the Participant Portal ⇒ Login with your ECAS account ⇒ Go to My Projects ⇒ Select the project
2. Select legal signatories
LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) – appoints the LSIGNs and FSIGNs on the Participant Portal
LSIGN (Legal Signatories) – have the right to sign grant agreements and amendments
FSIGN (Financial Signatories) – have the right to sign financial statements
PaCo (Participant Contacts)
CoCo (Coordinator Contacts)
PLSIGN (Project Legal Signatories) - selected by the PaCo/CoCo from the list of LSIGN appointed by the LEAR,will sign the Grant Agreement and amendments specifically for this project PFSIGN (Project Financial Signatories) - selected by the PaCo/CoCo from the list of FSIGN appointed by the LEAR, will sign the financial statements specifically for this project |
3. PLSIGN will receive a notification from the system to sign the Declaration of Honour on the Participant Portal on behalf of each beneficiary. The PLSIGN should login to the Participant Portal with his/her ECAS account and sign the Declaration of Honour.
! The coordinator cannot sign it on behalf of other beneficiaries.
4. Enter PIC of third parties associated with you, as beneficiary.
As coordinator:

1. Set the project starting date
2. Check that the PICs of third parties have been entered and validated. (for more information please see the H2020 Guide on beneficiary registration, validation and financial viability check)
3. Check that all organisations participating in the project (beneficiaries and third parties) match those specified in the proposal. Consortium can be altered under exceptional circumstances only
4. Define the budget (Annex 2):
- Check that it matches the proposal and the amount specified in the invitation to prepare the Grant Agreement.
- Separate the budget of participants and linked third parties and provide details for both.
5. Check the reporting periods
6. Provide banking details for the payments from the EC:
- LEAR enters one or more bank accounts on the Participant Portal
- Assign one of these bank accounts to your project
! The amount of pre-financing to be paid at the start of the project will be established by the EC.
7. Prepare and sign the Consortium Agreement (please contact the CERN Legal Service)
As coordinator you need to prepare the description of the Action (DoA), Annex 1
1. Enter the information for Part A – workplan tables (e.g. WP descriptions, deliverables, milestones)
2. Upload Part B (produced from Part B of the proposal). Part B should not contain any workplan tables (these are completed in Part A).
! A single PDF with the full Annex 1 will be then generated by the system.
Mandatory GA options for CERN (both for CERN as coordinator or beneficiary in an EU project)
Because of its juridical status as an international organisation, CERN has some specific requirements concerning EU project agreements. These conditions are covered by some special clauses, which have to be added to the relevant articles to the Grant Agreement.
The following legal data needs to be selected by the Participant Contact of CERN, regardless of the status of CERN in the project, as beneficiary or coordinator.
1. Go to Beneficiaries
2. Select CERN ⇒ Go to Specific Legal Information
3. Select Would accept a different law than the standard one ⇒ tick EU law and Law of the following country ⇒ choose France ⇒ select General principles governing the law of international organisations and the rules of general international law
Maximum deadlines allowed by the EC (in practice, they will be shorter)
For more information on the Grant Agreement preparation procedure, please consult:
The Grant Agreement Signature procedure is described here.